Favorite Worldview Quotes
"There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: 'Mine!'" – Abraham Kuyper
"With such a coherent world and life-view, firmly resting on its principle and self-consistent in its splendid structure, Modernism now confronts Christianity; and against this deadly danger, ye, Christians, cannot successfully defend your sanctuary, but by placing, in opposition to all this, a life- and world-view of your own, founded as firmly on the base of your own principle, wrought out with the same clearness and glittering in an equally logical consistency." – Abraham Kuyper
"With such a coherent world and life-view, firmly resting on its principle and self-consistent in its splendid structure, Modernism now confronts Christianity; and against this deadly danger, ye, Christians, cannot successfully defend your sanctuary, but by placing, in opposition to all this, a life- and world-view of your own, founded as firmly on the base of your own principle, wrought out with the same clearness and glittering in an equally logical consistency." – Abraham Kuyper
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We belong to God and yet the amazing thing to me is that He does not simply "take" what is rightfully his. That is why Paul tells us to "offer" or "present" ourselves in Romans 12:1. The Greek word used here literally means to transfer ownership to by the act of offering ourselves up. It is so easy for me to say, "Yeah, I belong to God!" but you know what I find difficult? Saying, "God...Use Me."
How different would the world look if the Church... Gods hands and feet...you and I..said "use me" and then did it.
We have an example..Jesus himself said, "No man takes my life...I lay it down and I have the power to take it back". How cool! Even Jesus had a choice... and thank God He chose to lay it down because now I have a choice. I don't have to live a meaningless existence puntuated by a meaningless eternity.
I live to serve.
Andy preached tonight out of Colossians chapter 3, which we can relate to what you are declaring. His message was excellent and gave me strength and encouragement to actually love someone through confronting sin in their lives and being convicted of my own at the same time. AMAZING!! Now I must take action, repent and ask for forgiveness. So tough and yet so necessary for the integrity and character of the Body of Christ.
Thank you Lord!!
If I may quote Wayne Grudem from his Systematic Theology book,...
"Pauls tells the Colossians that they should not lie to one another, since they have "put on the new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator" (Col. 3:10), thus showing that sanctification even involves increasing likeness to God in our thoughts as well as our words and deeds. The author of Hebrews tells his readers to "lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely" (Heb. 12:1), and to "strive for... the holiness without which no one will see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14). James encourages his hearers, "Be doers of the word, and not hearers only" (James 1:22), and Peter tells his readers, "Be holy yourselves in all your conduct" (1 Peter 1:15)."
It is God's sovereign right to claim all His and yet His way can seem somewhat passive. Not so. We live in the tension of being indwelt with the Holy Spirit and all that He accomplishes for and through us for the glory of God and then we have the flesh that the Lord has declared to leave us with temporarily.
For me this is a huge battle. A constant tug of war. A life of consistent reminder of who is His so that I will know what I am, who I am, and what I need to be doing.
Our God is so gracious and kind as well as stern and convicting. What a complex, unfathomable God we serve!
I agree - let's serve Him.
These are weighty things to which we should say, "Yes, Lord, use ME!"
Thanks for commenting, Brian. I saw your beautiful wife today - she was all dried up like a prune. hahaha - Chere!
Wish I could have been there last night...my Managerial Finance class is on Tues. nights. It was good to see ya'll the other night if only for a sec. We will have to have you and Ward over some time...after all...we have 'free' childcare next door! : )
Good, thought provoking quotes Heather...scripture is so full of paradox and these are two that I think I will spend the rest of my life working through. The reality that God owns it all and yet gives me the freedom to choose and the truth that I am to rest in Christ yet somehow also 'fight the good fight', run the race, and train like a soldier.
Just like the caterpillar that has to struggle to emerge from its cocoon as a beautiful butterfly. Wrestling with these truths without loosing sight of the wonder of it all is what keeps me relevant and young and totally dependant on the only One who holds all the answers to the questions that dance around in my head ( and yeah, there are allot-its more like Riverdance! : )
your sibling in Christ
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