I subscribe to a women's ministry newsletter. Today the e-mail contained the following.
From Jennifer: Please Pray for Me
Friends, this week's column is not a column at all but a prayer request.
This past Monday night (January 15) at about 6 pm, I received a phone call from the Dr. Phil Show asking if I could leave the following day (Tuesday) to be a guest on the Dr. Phil Show being filmed on Wednesday. Obviously, I was thrilled about the opportunity to share a message of hope with millions of viewers.
I'll share with you all the details (and photos) of how this came about in a different column in the coming weeks.
But here is what I am asking from you.
The Dr. Phil Show I am on is being filmed at 11:00 am pacific time (2 pm eastern time). Would you take just a moment in the morning to pray for me? Pray that I will have just the right words to share with a mom and dad who are bringing up a set up 6-year old tripletts, who are blind and deaf. Oh, how I want my words to encourage them. I also ask you to ask God to speak through me. My prayer is that I may share the fragrance of the love of God to millions of viewers. I need wisdom, and discernment every minute. Because I am getting to bed so late tonight - it is 1:20 a.m. my body clock time -- I especially need all of God.
I just could not go to sleep without asking you to pray for me Wednesday morning.
Thank you so much. I will let you know when the show will air as soon as I find out - it is usually 30 days from the date of shooting. I love you and thank you for your prayers. Look for my regularly scheduled column next time.
Blessings and Joy, Jennifer Rothschild Author of Lessons I Learned in the Dark (and Light), and Founder of WomensMinist ry.NET
As some of you are already aware, Jennifer Rothschild is blind and ministers to women through her writing and speaking. Even though this "show" has already been taped, please be in prayer for her and for those who will hear her holy words the day in which it airs. Let's pray that it "airs" for that matter.
I heard Jennifer speak at Women of Faith a couple of years ago! She is such a beautiful woman! What a testimony she has!! I will pray that God will use her in a mighty way, and speak through her. What an oportunity!!! Wow!! I also think she is cool because she puts on her own make up! And she can't see! I can barely do that and I can see!
Dr. Phil here. Dr. Phil Rothschild here, that is. Thanks so much for your prayers yesterday. Jennifer did a fantastic job sprinkling the "fragrance" of the love of God on the Dr. Phil Show. We received dozens of email telling us they were praying for Jennifer. Jennifer will write about the experience in an upcoming issue of her Java with Jennifer or WomensMinistry.NET enewsletter.
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