He Gives Only Good Things

Excerpt from a John Piper article.......

He gives good things. Only good things. He does not give serpents to children. Therefore, the text itself points away from the conclusion that Ask and you will receive means Ask and you will receive the very thing you ask for when you ask for it in the way you ask for it. It doesn’t say that. And it doesn’t mean that.

If we take the passage as a whole, it says that when we ask and seek and knock—when we pray as needy children looking away from our own resources to our trustworthy heavenly Father—he will hear and he will give us good things. Sometimes just what we asked. Sometimes just when we ask it. Sometimes just the way we desire. And other times he gives us something better, or at a time he knows is better, or in a way he knows is better.

And of course, this tests our faith. Because if we thought that something different were better, we would have asked for it in the first place. But we are not God. We are not infinitely strong, or infinitely righteous, or infinitely good, or infinitely wise, or infinitely loving. And therefore, it is a great mercy to us and to the world that we do not get all we ask.


Brandie Thibodeaux said...

How true!!! If I received all that I ask for then well let's just say life would be pretty interesting right now..... How blessed and thankful we should be that we have a God that just KNOWS!!! When you are raising children it is so hard to know what you need to ask God for in certain situations.I feel at peace knowing God will take care of that burden for me. Even if I mess up and ask for something that isn't what is needed He will allow what is best whether I understand it now or later... Oh what an AWESOME Father we serve:)

heather young said...

Brandie - you are awesome! I am praising the Lord for all that He is doing in your life. His fruit is VERY obvious as you walk with Him. Thank you for obeying the Lord like you do. I see you changing and it blesses me. The mere act of "speaking" with the Lord is sometimes the point instead of what we ask for.