Who's Radiance Is It Anyway...

From a bible study that I recently read through...

Explain how God's creating man and woman in his own image was the same as creating them for his glory.

To be given God's image is to be assigned the role of imaging-forth God in the world. Therefore God's aim in creating man in His image was to have His own image, His own nature and glory displayed in the world. Being "like God" was to be a mirror of God so that people could see God in the creature. But Satan's temptation to be "like God" was that we cease to be mirrors of God's radiance and become independently radiant - - to get glory for ourselves and not for God.

We rob God of His glory daily. We are in a battle for our very lives.
Let us lay aside any and all radiance we may be seeking for ourselves and pick up the cross that we must carry as one that is named HIS.


Heather said...

Wow, so true! That is awesome Heather!! You blessed me today by sharing this with me!! So many times we forget why we are doing what we are doing. We get caught up in the hurry hurry of the world, and forget to slowdown, stop, take a step back and see all that GOD has been doing.(not us) We are blessed when we give God glory. It's exciting! I get really excited about it! There is a song on the radio that says something like this: "Lord, let me shine, shine like the moon, a reflection of You, in all that I do!....." The moon shines because it reflects the light from the sun. The mood doesn over power the sun. We will always know that it gets it's light from a greater source, it doesn't shine on it's own. That should be what our lives look like. God bless you Heather!

heather young said...

Hey Heather,

Thank YOU so much for sharing that. We ARE mirrors for the great "I AM". Let us covenant together and pray that our minds will have this truth etched into them. You are awesome. God is blessing me and one of the ways He is doing that is through you.

caryn said...

Yo Heather Moore, That song is "Shine" and it's by my favorite band, SALVADOR!!! Whoo hooo!!

Heather said...

SWEET!! I never realized who they were!! Awesome song!!

Weezy said...

Heather, you know that I can easily stray from the subject so I'll try to stay on track, but I wanted to share the following with you because we were discussing what it means to be created in the image of God just last week in our Bible study.

The author of the Bible commentary we're reading stated that in the ancient world--the world in which Genesis was written--the word "image" was used to refer to a statue of a king that was sent to distant corners of the kingdom when that king couldn't be there in person. The "image" was to be representative of the king in that area. The author then goes on to say that if we apply this to Genesis, to be created in the image of God [that is, to be a mirror of God] is to be His representative on earth. As you said, we [as representatives] are called to display His glory in the world.

So, yes, indeed, "Lor, let me shine, shine like the moon..."

heather young said...

Paula - you are so awesome!! Sounds like a great bible study to me. I often forget that the power that raised Christ from the dead has been deposited into me by the Holy Spirit and that I really can be a representative of the Lord. It is a daunting task if we are relying on the flesh, but, with Christ all things are possible. Amen? Amen.