Canine Worship

Taken from last week's edition of WORLD magazine.....
Some might say Pilgrim Congregational Church in North Weymouth, Mass., is for the dogs. Speaking literally, they'd be right. On Oct. 5, the church began a weekly "woof 'n' worship" service devoted to dogs and their owners. Rev. Rachel Bickford said the idea comes from an invocation in Psalm 148: "Let all wild animals, creeping things and flying birds give God praise." Bickford explained, "So I thought wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to let all things praise God together and have families bring their dogs to church." Bickford said parishioners who bring dogs to the 5 p.m. service will be responsible for cleaning up any messes created by pets.

I can hardly express how very angry this makes me.....

Maybe next we could not only carry our pets around in our purses, buy their newest fashion ensembles at Old Navy, save up for their Christmas presents, give them the same sanctified life status as our children.... and I quote, "We don't have kids yet, but my dogs are my kids", but we could also bring them to church and have a, "pet appropriate" instead of "age appropriate" worship service/venue.

Only problem with this is, like anything else when you move away from what biblical doctrine actually teaches, relativism sets in. For example: Who gets to decide what kinds of "pets" can attend? I mean who has "the right" to say that my pet python/monkey/rabbit/hamster, etc. can't attend the "pet appropriate" service? As long as I "clean up their messes". And what will these creatures receive from God's word or will we just feed their tiny brains a heaping load of feel good, American, rockin'out, relativistic, humanism?

So, in our nation today, we have men having sex with men, babies forced down the birth canal on their way to having their brains vacuumed out by their own mothers, amendments introduced to Congress on the behalf of dolphins, since there's a chance they could be harassed by tuna fisherman off the East Coast, the call for the total renovation of California chicken coupes by Ellen Degeneres because the chickens can't flap their little wings and are in danger of being treated like commodities (by the way they ARE commodities, in fact, I ate some today, as well as have some stocked in my freezer, I drive to the store and exchange money for it.... this is the very definition of commodity), and tons of "Christians" who have no idea what they believe or what the bible says because they won't turn off their cell phones, radios, iPods, video games, movies, text messages, twitter briefs, facebook profiles or televisions long enough to even remotely hear the Holy Spirit speak to their hearts fearing the conviction of sin.

I wonder how long it will take for this judgment to turn into full blown idol worship. No doubt, we worship idols as a nation and as a people, but what will it be like when we actually have "idols" literally to worship. You never know, it could very possibly start with this kind of thing...... "Canine Worship" or is it worship of the canine?